Repost from November 2020:
Stop listening to the lies.” I have been good at feeling down lately with every thing going on right now. Those words were what God spoke to me-stop listening to the lies.
I’ve believed the lie I wasn’t good enough. I’ve believed the lie that I am not loved. I’ve believed the lie it’s better to build walls up than let others in because I’ve been hurt a lot. I’ve believed the lies that I’m not beautiful. I’ve believed the lies that my photography will never get anywhere.
In Jesus we can have victory over whatever lies keep us stuck in our chains. Know that you are loved. You are valued. Your life has meaning. You can do what God has called you to do, He has equipped you with everything you need to pursue it. Know that you have been made fearfully and wonderfully. Know that God knows every detail of tonight, tomorrow, and forever. Know that you are in His hands, What lies are you believing? In this season, I want to drown out the lies with thankfulness.